July 2024
New Bravecto Quantum
For Dogs
Do you always remember to treat your dog with their flea and tick protection on time?
Have you ever experienced that horrible worry and stress of treating a pet with tick paralysis?
We understand the importance of keeping your pets protected, which is why we're thrilled to introduce the newest member of the Bravecto family of flea and tick preventatives!
The new Bravecto injection, the longest-lasting paralysis tick treatment available, has now arrived in Australian veterinary hospitals. This revolutionary product, containing Fluralaner, has been trusted by veterinarians worldwide for 10 years, with over 300 million doses administered across 85 countries.
What makes this product stand out is its convenience: a single annual injection provides up to a full year of flea and tick protection for dogs. Suitable for dogs and puppies from six months of age, it begins to work within just 3 days of administration.
We believe this is the best protection against paralysis ticks and is finally available! To ensure your dog receives the most advanced level of protection, we encourage you to schedule an appointment by calling 4368 1727 or booking online through our website kincumbervet.com.au.
April 2020
COVID-19 Safety Measures
At Kincumber Veterinary Hospital we are committed to protecting our local community and staff - and still providing top patient care. If you have visited us recently you may have noticed our new safety measures during this difficult time for all of us.
We ask our caring clients to please bear with us while we negotiate the increased risks with COVID-19.
We are doing our best to remain open as an essential service for our community.
1. Our front door will remain locked, so please ring our new doorbell for entry during our open hours.
2. Please use the hand sanitiser (in the red box next to the doorbell) before entry to the hospital.
3. We ask only one client please within the client zone at a time. All other clients are asked to wait outside, to provide adequate social distancing and minimise human to human contact.
4. To minimise human to human contact we are conducting patient-only consultations. A reception nurse will gently take your pet and return them to you after the visit. Communication between clients and veterinarians will be over the phone - please bring your mobile phone with you as we will give you a call from inside the consult room.
5. If you would like to purchase repeat medications, food or supplies, we ask that you call ahead and pre-pay as we are now providing CLICK and COLLECT to minimise human to human contact.
6. We are asking all clients to please pay using credit card or EFTPOS and please avoid cash during the COVID-19 crisis.
We will all get through this together. Looking forward to 2021!
1st October 2018
New Bravecto For Cats
Great news for cats! Cats too can now say "Goodbye" to paralysis ticks with new Bravecto Spot-on for Cats. Offering 3 months protection in a single topical application, Bravecto for cats is the most complete flea and tick protection for cats now too - as well as for dogs.
No cat should die from tick paralysis, and now with Bravecto for Cats we can protect out cats as well as our dogs.
New Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs is also available - offering 6 months protection from fleas and ticks for dogs in a single topical application.
Spring and Summer is big paralysis tick time - so please take extra care. Come and see us now for the best Flea and Tick Protection for your pets!
10th October 2017
Check Out Our New Waiting Room
We have recently refurbished the old hospital - in to a new modern state of the art Veterinary Hospital! The latest addition has been the refurbishment of our waiting room into a spacious modern, comfortable and friendly environment for pets and owners. We have plenty of space now. We now have a great range of premium Hills Pet Foods to keep our pets healthy as well as a full range of pet accessories and flea/tick/worming treatments available.
Come and check us out!
1st October 2015
Seeking Community Volunteers - Easy Task and help the Environment
Did you know that Kincumber Veterinary Hospital has been helping look after our environment at our local beaches? We are commited to helping our community - and giving back to our patients and their families.
Kincumber Veterinary Hospital provides dog waste bags for Avoca Beach, Avoca Beach lagoon, Copacabana Beach, MacMasters Beach and Broadwater Park Playground - Kincumber. If you are one of the many people who visit these areas - and can help refill our waste bag dispensers - WE NEED YOU!
We are seeking a volunteer for Copacabana Beach to refill the dispensers, generally on a weekly basis. There is no handling of dog faeces - we simply need someone to check the dispensers and refill them with a roll of bags as required. We will supply you with enough rolls to maintain the dispensers. If you regularly walk your dog at one of our local beaches, are a client of Kincumber Vet, and are keen to help us help our community please give us a call on 02 4368-1727.
1st May 2015
Parvovirus Outbreaks in NSW - is your dog's vaccination overdue?
NSW has been experiencing parvovirus outbreaks not seen in the last twenty years, with some practices reporting new cases of infected dogs every day. Parvovirus is a deadly infection with a mortality rate of 40-50% and clinical signs of vomiting, bloody diarrhoea, depression, anorexia, dehyration and sadly often death.
Parvovirus is spread through diarrhoea, with infected dogs shedding the virus even before they start to show clinical signs. The virus will often live in the environment for many months, up to 1 1/2 years and is highly contagious. Dogs most at risk are puppies who have not been fully vaccinated and older dogs who are overdue for vaccinations.
Areas affected include the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Lake Macquarie, Rutherford and Singleton. Parvovirus is easily prevented with puppies requiring several booster vaccinations and followed by an annual vaccination.
13th April 2015
Coastal Fox Baiting Program in Gosford City
Important Notice for Gosford Residents - Gosford City will commence fox baiting in Councils natural reserves between April and June 2015.
Fox baiting will be undertaken in Rumbalara Reserve (Gosford), Katandra Reserve (Holgate/Lisarow), Kincumber Mountain Regional Reserve (Kincumber), The Scenic Road Bushland (Kincumber) and James Norton Road Reserve (MacMasters Beach), Siletta Road Bush Reserve (Niagara Park), Cutrock Road Reserve (Lisarow), Ridgeway/Awabakil Bush Reserve (Holgate), The Ridgeway Reserve (Matcham), Triple Springs Bush Reserve (Matcham) and Winney Bay Reserve (Avoca Beach).
"Foxoff" baits will be buried in selected location within the reserves between 21 April 2015 and 2 June 2015. Baits will be containing 1080 poison and will be buried to reduce exposure to non-target animals.
1080 is highly toxic to dogs and cats. Initial signs include vomiting, shaking but rapidly progress to seizures, collapse and death. Warning signs will be erected to advise of baiting - but it is imperative not to allow pets access to these areas during the baiting period. Even with veterinary treatment the prognosis following ingestion of 1080 is very poor.